Why join a support group?
Before looking at all of the options below, please familiarize yourself with the ways support groups can help you with postpartum depression symptoms.
Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged
Reducing distress, depression, anxiety or fatigue
Talking openly and honestly about your feelings
Improving skills to cope with challenges
Staying motivated to get better
Gaining a sense of empowerment, control or hope
Improving understanding postpartum depression and your own experience with it
Getting practical feedback about treatment options
Learning about health, economic or social resources
More frequent or flexible participation
Opportunities for people who may not have local face-to-face support groups
A degree of privacy or anonymity
When you join a new support group, you may be nervous about sharing personal issues with people you don't know. At first, you may benefit from simply listening. Over time, however, contributing your own ideas and experiences may help you get more out of a support group.
Try a support group for a few weeks. If it doesn't feel like a good fit for you, consider a different support group or a different support group format.
Remember that a support group isn't a substitute for regular medical care. Let your doctor know that you're participating in a support group. If you don't think a support group is appropriate for you, but you need help coping with your condition or situation, talk to your doctor about counseling or other types of therapy.
Virtual Support Groups
In-Person Support Groups